Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Shoot // Brothers

I had the pleasure of doing my first real purposeful shoot with two of my littlest friends. We went to Fauna Park yesterday afternoon, to kick the ball around and explore the trees. I'm not too much of a kids man but between a ridiculously fun smile, and the inexhaustible energy levels, I had a blast! These boys go and go. An hour taking photos and chasing after these punks exhausted me. But it was fun.

Some of the photos I definitely missed, need to improve my focus ability. But I am always learning, and am not too disappointed in these for a first attempt.

 The moment of delight, and terror, when there appeared a bug on the tree next to them.
 Well, they are brothers! These two get along really well most of the time, but the peace isn't completely uninterrupted.
I normally found myself to this fellas back, had to work super hard to get in front of him, he is always on the move!
 Yes, Yes he is showing off his muscles.
Always on a mission. He is an explorer.

What works for you when it comes to taking photos of kids? Don't hesitate to comment below.

Thanks for looking!



  1. Lovely work Roycie! You certainly captured some gorgeous pics, love their smiles :) Keep up the good work!


  2. You got lots of good ones of Tynon - don't know what you were worrying about! I think you did a stellar job for someone literally chasing after two boys...The lighting, the faster focusing - that'll come :) I have some firm faves in there!
